42. Arrival, original chapter posted 6/8/08

Page 8 of 30

Arrival — Page 8

Author commentary

Veronica: One fun fact is that when I first sketched out this page, I inked like 50% of the comic and left it for months.. and that scene with Tess talking to Lily in the second panel was uninked because I was challenged by the perspective and wanted to return to it later.

Towels are used to dry hair and that includes moist.. fur. My hair doesn’t wear clothes, but I put a towel on it after showering anyway. THAT IS WHY LUCY IS WEARING A TOWEL THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Looking like a freaken disney princess, speaking of which.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #5278

Seeing Lucy without her bow is like seeing Mike without a scarf.

Jedi Master April 17, 2010, 8:58 PM EDT.

Comment ID #198427

Why does Lucy always have to be shy when she’s singing? I bet she has a beautiful singing voice as much as a pretty talking voice.

Don't hate ppl December 9, 2011, 8:50 AM EST.

Comment ID #214383

Awww…Yashy is soooooooo cute on panel8! :D

ema April 14, 2012, 7:32 AM EDT.

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