7. Prom Preparation, original chapter posted 6/3/06

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Prom Preparation — Page 2



*A lovestruck Daisy approaches Mike.*
Daisy: So, Mikie! What kinda music do you like?
Mike: Umm..

Mike: I don’t know! I don’t really have a favorite genre.
Mike: I don’t like most of the new stuff on the radio…

*Daisy holds her hands to her cheeks and smiles at Mike.*
Daisy: ♥ So you’re into CLASSICAL music? You’re so smart, Mikie! ♥
Mike: Err, not THAT old!

Lucy: What is this, the Victorian era?
Yashy: Victorian? She’s such a harlot!

*Mike looks thoughtful.*
Mike: If I had to pick music.. I don’t know.. maybe something cool and relaxing.. Smooth jazz?
*Daisy scribbles on her paper.*
Daisy: Oh, I’ll write that down immediately!

Daisy: Hey, Lucy! What kinda music would you like for the dance?
*Mike glances at Lucy with wide eyes.*

Lucy: Why does it matter? Doubt I’ll be going.
*Yashy looks up at Lucy, bothered*

*Mike and Daisy look at Lucy with blank expressions.*
Daisy and Mike:

*Daisy leans towards Mike.*
Daisy: She’s not going to the dance, she says~ ♥
*Mike looks sheepish.*
Mike: uh..


*Daisy side-eyes Mike.*
Daisy: So you take orders from this weird green thing, Mikie?
*Mike is embarrassed.*
Mike: N-No! I don’t!

*Daisy smiles.*
Daisy: So you wouldn’t mind..
*Mike puts up his hands.*
Mike: Wait that doesn’t mean I..
*Yashy shakes her fist at Daisy.*
Yashy: Keep those grubby paws to yourself!!

*Yashy and Daisy bicker as Mike cowers in the corner.*
Daisy: He doesn’t listen to you.
Yashy: It’s obvious he’ll say no!
Daisy: Says who?
Yashy: ME!!
Daisy: You don’t get to choose for him.
Yashy: Shuttup, homewrecker!

*Mike flaps his arms in exasperation.*
Mike: Girls! Girls! Stop fighting over me!

*Lucy, Yashy and Daisy pause.*
Lucy and Daisy:

Lucy: Who said we’re fighting over you? Weirdo.

Lucy: Unless you wanna date Yashy, you great big pedophile.
*Mike looks mortified.*

Yashy: Mom, I badly wanna hurt you sometimes.
Lucy: What’d I do?
*Daisy chases after a retreating Mike.*
Daisy: Where are you going, Mikie!!

Author commentary

Veronica: Oh, that Daisy. When is she not pining like a tree.

Yashy is SO possessive of Mike and I always kinda found that dynamic charming.. Yashy is a total meanie to “Flea”, but deep down, she loves him and doesn’t want anyone else taking him away. It’s not THAT kinda love, of course, Lucy is being actively obtuse and rude >8(

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Reader comments

Comment ID #5500

i feel mike’s pain man, i feel his pain

bored as hell April 18, 2010, 1:15 PM EDT.

Comment ID #26074

To tell the truth, I would like some jazz. Blues would be nice, ‘cause most of it’s romantic. I demand it to have some piano!

Karthorak May 23, 2010, 9:11 PM EDT.

Comment ID #188130

Smooth move, Mike. Real smooth. XD

Harris012 November 2, 2011, 8:33 AM EDT.

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