71. Just Beautiful, page posted 7/2/12

Page 14 of 33

Just Beautiful — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: I remember people thought Sandy was just surfing on her phone ignoring Mike in the first three panels???? No, she was just scrolling through their chat history because she pulled out their chat history in the previous page!! She’s just being charmed by Mike’s anxiety. She’s not being terrible at all!

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Reader comments

Comment ID #220557

“I wanted to make this trip extra special for you.” Yet clearly dodges potential kiss moment. Also, in the third panel, Sandy’s mouth appears slightly unusual.
Wait just a moment, in the first two frames, does Sandy appear to be texting… WHILE talking to Mike?

Nikita July 2, 2012, 12:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #220568

It’s possible she’s kept in contact with Daisy, but then again, it hasn’t been mentioned by Daisy herself. She could be keeping contact with other friends in the area. Or it could be by the sound of his voice … or hell, maybe Lucy memorized her number and told Sandy that Mike was feeling down. It’s a wait and see moment.

Canny July 2, 2012, 12:04 AM EDT.

Comment ID #220590

I really do doubt that Sandy and Lucy are texting each other.

If anything, I doubt even more that Lucy would go through the trouble of memorizing Sandy’s number just to text her.

Honestly, what would those two girls be talking about? They’re polar opposites. o-o

Though I do believe that Lucy may have texted her during that small time span that Mike left her alone with his phone…

Really, what possessed him to leave his cellphone alone with Lucy? His only way to contact his girlfriend? I mean sure he was super excited but st—

Waitwait off track. Anyway, I think Lucy might have tweaked with his phone a little. >3> In a good way. xD

Mew July 2, 2012, 12:25 AM EDT.

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