11. Pep Rally, original chapter posted 6/16/06

Page 5 of 6

Pep Rally — Page 5



*Poodle teacher serves the ball.*
Poodle teacher: Zero serving zero

Mike: I.. just wanna go home..
Lucy: Pay attention! Look! Look!

*The ball bounces off Mike’s head and Lucy hits it back over the net.*

*The Pug teacher hits it back.*

*The ball bounces off of Mike’s face and David hits it back.*
Mike: Ow!!
David: Nice pass, Mike!

*Sex-ed teacher returns the ball.*
Sex-ed teacher: AIDS!!

*The ball bounces off of Mike’s face and David hits it back.*
Mike: ugh!
David: whee!

*The Pug teacher hits the ball back.*

*Mike snaps out of his daze.*

*Mike jumps up to hit the ball.*

*Mike smacks the ball down with all his might.*

*The ball slams into the Pug teacher’s face.*

*Lucy is in awe.*
Lucy: w-wow
David: Hey, we scored!

*Mike confidently looks behind him.*
Mike: heheh
Daisy: Wow, Mikie..

*Daisy cheers.*
*The band plays very loudly, startling Mike.*

*Mike falls to the ground, crying. Lucy pouts.*
Lucy: Feh, lucky shot. I’ll get the next one.
Mike: By all means!!

Lucy: Take THAT!
*Mike remains seated on the ground.*
Mike: Wow, Lucy got us a point, huh?
Mike: Good for h--

*Lucy smiles triumphantly while Mike cringes, desperately covering his ears.*

Author commentary

Veronica: I remember being so proud of this page.. especially how bold and scribbly it got. There were some chalkier-feeling pencils I used that made me able to do that.. so I tried to emulate that look in the digital version! It was certainly fun to try and recapture the chaos!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #5560

hahahahahahahahaha!!!! “AIDS!” its like it gives her power….has mike ever heard of earplugs?

bored as hell April 18, 2010, 5:47 PM EDT.

Comment ID #23790

Way to plant the ball in the teacher’s face… d(^_^)

Cuddle Bear May 18, 2010, 7:22 PM EDT.

Comment ID #125172

i feel sorry for mike. its really painful when the ball hits you in the face, or square in the eye. you lose sight for a while, or permanently.

Kitsonpaw Hernandez November 14, 2010, 1:36 PM EST.

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