Love Again — Page 4

Author commentary

Veronica: she fights for her friends

Oliver: A reminder that we are attending Youmacon in Detroit, MI this weekend! Wowowowow

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

okay but like…. if rachel had a problem with them not being exclusive, she shouldve maybe talked to paulo about it?? just saying??? if they never agreed to be exclusive then paulo is not in the wrong at all?????

Tumblr: bramblepaws November 2, 2016

On one hand: Rachel has stated and implied several times that she is not going to pursue Paulo long term because she wants biological kids and they can’t do that. And this is probably along with some other considerations like “good chemistry doesn’t necessarily = long term compatibility”
On the other hand: Maddie kind of has a point that Rachel has been treating this situation more and more like romantic love, and well, its hard not to have an attachment to someone you have sex with, casual or not. Paulo is being dense if he’s totally unaware of everything she’s been saying and doing. He needs to have a serious conversation with her if its not going that way and never would, and STOP HAVING RELATIONS WITH HER.
TL;DR Paulo its time you learned the fun and adult lesson of “why having friends with benefits rarely if ever ends well.”

Tumblr: columbidaerae November 2, 2016

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