69. At Loose Ends, page posted 2/20/12

Page 22 of 48

At Loose Ends — Page 22

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Veronica: Great party.

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Reader comments

Comment ID #209853

As Tae naturally drags out the reveal on what happened to his mom.

Hopefully we’ll find out this week, unless it changes focus again (I doubt it though).

Time for the Abbey Angst Arc, or AAA as I like to call it. Almost as great as the Daisy Pregnancy Arc.

Titanium Dragon February 20, 2012, 12:12 AM EST.

Comment ID #209983

This chapter has been a box of surprises. :O
First I must say that Taeshi does a wondeful job on keeping us clinging to the story everytime we have to wait for a new update.
Poor Abbey is going to catch another deception in his life. That guy does a great job on hidding his emotions (a little like me). I don’t think that even Daisy will be able to cheer him up now (I’m not gonna speculate about what happened to Abbey’s mom, I don’t know, non of us do except for Taeshi herself).
I just have one question to whomever brought up the subject: Didn’t you all knew that Mike was the shortest guy on the group? I can understand that this page shows that greatly but even so anyone (who pays attention to the minimal details of the draws) can see that David is the tallest, Paulo and Abbey have almost the same height (Paulo is bigger 8-)) and that Mike has the same height as Sue :/(and many other girls of the group). I think that is height blends well with his character (I’m not saying that he is a jerkface nor anything ok!? Furious Abbey that has nothing to do with the subject).

fredfunny February 20, 2012, 7:32 PM EST.

Comment ID #210015

Awwwwwww snap…….Jasmine’s tail is all poofed up and angry looking…….Tess better lay off her man or a fight gonna break out. Very good page I enjoyed reading it.

Juria February 21, 2012, 6:58 AM EST.

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