74. Curtain Call, page posted 2/13/13

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Curtain Call — Page 2

Author commentary

Veronica: McCain doesn’t seem to be phased

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Comment ID #238759

Hey, it’s McCain! I thought he died or something. Good to see him around again. I like how he gets to the heart of a situation, points out the obvious, and makes everyone feel a little on the dumb side. Not that it’s his intention to make them feel dumb, it’s just that the emotions and worries everyone seems to get so caught up in roll off him like water, allowing him to see a solution more easily even if the solution is a little too “logical”.
Well, at least I know something Sue takes to heart: theater or theatre, lol kind of like color or colour, but the context is there. I can’t honestly recall Sue ever being so jumpy or aggressive; well okay, maybe I’ve seen her be a tad bit aggressive in some of the previous school debates.
I hope everything works out for ya, Sue. Remember, only you notice the tiny details, but others most likely won’t. Unless they also direct plays or perform on stage…or paint and set up props, but even then.
With the way this page presents itself, I get a feeling it’s going to turn out to be a bit of a comical chapter. However, Lucy and Mike on stage with the possibility of them in a love relationship…ugh. It’s either going to be very sentimentally or very abrupt.

Blank On Purpose February 13, 2013, 12:17 AM EST.

Comment ID #238787

… and Sue just said that Lucy isn’t even here yet. (Or that someone isn’t here yet, but it can only be Lucy.)
If Lucy isn’t gonna show up, that’ll be the biggest cry for help she can send. That, or having an emotional breakdown right on stage. Then maybe someone will finally get an idea of what’s going on (someone besides Paulo, I hope, ‘cause he would be the most boring option) and maybe things will start happening again.
I also love Sue here. That feeling of being responsible for everything can be really frightening. But getting this far with a self-written, self-directed and self-produced play is already pretty impressive. Though by choosing Lucy and Mike for the two leads she kind of shot herself in the foot.
Oh well, great job of calming her down, McCain. (What is he doing behind the scenes by the way?)

Copper February 13, 2013, 4:54 AM EST.

Comment ID #238801

I trust Sue’s writing skills and I think the play is going to be quite good. I also think Lucy will be able to control herself while on stage - to be honest, I think the only one who has a chance to screw things up here is Mike, because he’d be too proud to ever talk to Lucy again, thus refusing to say his lines. Lucy, on the other hand, knows how much this play means to her friend and won’t let her emotions show - and if they do, she’ll find a way to incorporate them into her lines. We all know she can sing incredibly well, so if anything goes wrong I believe her singing will compensate for it. As far as s hool plays go, I think this is going to be a great one!

Idastar February 13, 2013, 11:23 AM EST.

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