74. Curtain Call, page posted 3/29/13

Page 21 of 36

Curtain Call — Page 21

Author commentary

Veronica: Sue is being so creative with setting up effects, here!! What an extravagant play!

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Reader comments

Comment ID #241918

Of course Lucy is the “bad guy”. I figured she would be the other twin, but I didn’t expect them to be “reunited” like this. Well if they didn’t make up backstage, then at least it won’t be too hard for them to act against each other! :unsure:
I’m kind of really interested to see how this whole thing plays out. Just with their past and everything that has happened lately, this should be interesting. I wouldn’t be surprsied if this play brought Mike and Lucy back together and conflicted things between Lucy and Paulo. But hey, why am I even guessing. Anything could happen, especially with Taeshi controlling the whole storyline here! :D
Sue looks so determined. But I’m amazed at how Lucy and Mike aren’t snapping with all of those rocks being flown into them.

WellSnap March 29, 2013, 2:01 AM EDT.

Comment ID #241976

Is lucy finnaly comming around? The way Teashi writes i assume a twist no matter what. Lucy smiled a page or two ago, and apparantly made out with Paulo. I’m just expecting a big twist like she’s moving or something. Not to mention that intervention with her family. We still dont know whats going on in her life.

JustSomeCritic March 30, 2013, 4:36 AM EDT.

Comment ID #242015

i know i haven’t posted for over a month or so, but I just realised, anyone think that Sue deliberately made Mike and Lucy play brother and sister, not to bring them to together as a couple but as brother and sister?
I mean Sue is insightful enough to realise that Mike isn’t ditching Sandy, and Lucy is doing other stuff, but maybe what Taeshi is trying to do is show us that they are predestined to treat each other as brother and sister and continue to be close friends despite their fights.

Idk, maybe im being too optimistic… still, you gotta hope thats the way things are going! :)

foreveryoung5 March 31, 2013, 11:48 AM EDT.

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