84. Scenic Route, page posted 8/11/14

Page 20 of 24

Scenic Route — Page 20

Author commentary

Veronica: Oh good, Abbey is still alive.

.. I guess not good news for certain people.

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Reader comments

Comment ID #285159

skipping rocks isnt a work. And Abbey is back :D

wot August 11, 2014, 1:00 PM EDT.

Comment ID #285203

@Jannnne: Because she is the only person he doesn’t want to judge him or see him as just the crude annoying persona he puts up with others. She is like a little sister to him and normal people don’t want to look like a bad person to their little sister, which is why he shows her his true insecure inner self, which is rather embarrassing to someone like Paulo who pretends he is confident in most situations.

It is embarrassing to say ‘I think I’m just going to end up nowhere as a nobody’ to someone you care about. So of course Paulo would blush in this situation, especially if someone suddenly interrupted because your first thought would be ‘did they hear any of that oh dear God what if they did’.

Moogle August 12, 2014, 1:21 PM EDT.

Comment ID #285205

Did anyone notice on panel 4; the difference in the ground where Abbey is and where Daisy is? This could be nothing, but I think it’s @Taeshi’s very clever use of symbolism.

Think about it; Abbey was at a happiness highpoint when he was with Daisy. Yeah, they had a bit of a falling out, but by in large, she stood by him and supported him. His life was better when he & Daisy were together thus, proving my point: In the gloomy garden of Abbey’s life, The grass will always be greener when he has a little Daisy to brighten it up.

Say what you will, but Abbey x Daisy Forever!!! :love: :love: :love:

kaminari683 August 12, 2014, 2:25 PM EDT.

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