Trapped — Page 19

Author commentary


Basically, all this month we’ve been working on future merchandise, the new book, BCI comics, all sorts of important stuff that has taken a backseat for over a year. Most of what’s left is stuff that would be interesting for you to watch Vero draw in a stream, so we’ve put that off. And now we’re putting it off again, until (again!) FRIDAY. Friday seems like a good day for most people. And it gives me time to prepare files and get our healthcare sorted and all that. And email BCI people for some requests.

So if that’s alright with you, please come by THIS FRIDAY. We’ll party all weekend.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #292291

Augustus certainly looks like he resents being called a little kid by his crush, probably not eager to take her warning seriously.

Hazel January 12, 2015, 1:05 PM EST.

Comment ID #292293

Poor kid—ruined at both emotional fronts and, unfortunately, both were inadvertent. At one end, carelessness and irresponsibility spoiled an innocent child; at the other, a vague sense of care and love exposed him to vanity and selfishness. Too much emotional weight can break the veritable back, unfortunately—and curiosity killed the cat.

It's C-Lo Bruh January 12, 2015, 1:09 PM EST.

Comment ID #292306

honestly i love this girl cat so much (i forget her name if it has been mentioned ahah) and i’m scared of whats going to happen to her.. referring back to “confrontation”, alej says, “oh, but did i get even with her, more than ever” (in reference to his ex, who i am assuming is her). ;_; damn you alej

poor auggie tho.. i wonder if this is hard to take in for someone his age ? i mean he seems to act pretty mature but . ya never know whats going on internally

dime January 12, 2015, 3:50 PM EST.

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