Trapped — Page 30

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Veronica: well she was hardly going to have fingernails

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Comment ID #293622

Ohhhhhhh, this will not end well…

>.> Also, how inappropriate is it to say, “Kitty got claws”?

daft_inquisitor February 6, 2015, 1:04 PM EST.

Comment ID #293704

Ah, so THAT’S where the scar came from!

Same spot, eh? Ah, poor Augustus, I’m feeling more sympathetic for him every page…

Ryuko February 6, 2015, 11:18 PM EST.

Comment ID #293730

I think her swiping at Augustus was a better way of telling him to escape the situation; It was better than being killed by Alejandro at least… Also, theres no way should could get out of that. She was down two to one and Augustus wouldve only been a distraction for a second or two, if that. No matter what though, we can always fall back on her misjudgement of a proper way to handle most things as a reason.

Anthony February 8, 2015, 12:58 PM EST.

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