89. Guest of Honor, page posted 7/29/15

Page 20 of 48

Guest of Honor — Page 20



*Paulo dumps his trash in the trash can.*

*Paulo looks down at the trash can, he has a bit of ketchup on his cheek.*

*Daisy notices it, and smiles to herself.*

Daisy: Hey, Paulo!
*Paulo turns to look at her.*

*Paulo is startled as Daisy wipes the ketchup off his cheek with a napkin.*

*Daisy smiles widely.*
Daisy: Now we’re even.

*Paulo’s face flushes deep red.*

Paulo: OKAY
*Paulo heads for the door in a panic.*

Author commentary

Veronica: They’re at an anime convention so they HAVE to have that “you got food on your face, let me wipe it off for you” scene that you often see in shoujos!!!

I noticed a lot of the time it’s a guy wiping the bit of food off the girl with their finger????? It’s kinda gross!! Daisy has the right idea getting rid of the ketchup with a tissue! Romantic AND health-conscious!

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