
Candybooru image #10572, tagged with BananaSquid_(Artist) Sandy


Comment ID #69585

This is my preferred babu

I'll probably come back and look at this when I am not overtired and hate it lmao 8-D

BananaSquid on February 13, 2016.

Comment ID #69588

I preffered Sandy and don't like Lucy

Alewita on February 13, 2016.

Comment ID #69591

In all honesty, neither case is actual true love. At least not from what we've seen.

Shade on February 14, 2016.

Comment ID #69595

@shade that's true.. both are pretty tainted considering Mike and Sandy's love is more of a superficial love... neither really know a lot about the other tbh

BananaSquid on February 14, 2016.