
Candybooru image #13193, tagged with Mike Sour_Candy_(Artist)


Comment ID #83983

For the benefit of Candybooru, please stop drawing on lined paper and use a scanner

SuitCase on January 23, 2018.

Comment ID #83987

ooh damn his expression in the second panel is bomb as hell!!!!! keep up the great work!!!

leporibae on January 23, 2018.

Comment ID #83989

i can tell you've been improving!! good job!

elliebeanz on January 23, 2018.

Comment ID #83992

Can't we settle on some sort of middle ground? No need to go the full hundred percent all the time. ;-; Cool drawing, I really like the shading in the second panel. Real evil looking. XD

Kinroth on January 24, 2018.

Comment ID #83996

@Suitcase whats a scanner and what bad Will made ti draw un lined paper?

JustAnotherBCBFan on January 24, 2018.

Comment ID #84014

@suitcase whats so wrong with him drawing on lined paper?? hes not hurting anyone & obv people enjoy his art

also uh
not everyone can afford a scanner :unsure:

Akamii on January 26, 2018.

Comment ID #84030

Nearly everyone can afford a scanner, it’s a weak excuse. A lot of the reason I recommend one is that these images are uploaded direct from a phone with no post-processing, which, unlike a $50 scanner, is free to do with various apps. As it stands, I have to resize (and sometimes rotate) every image this person uploads.

But more importantly, nearly everyone can afford a ream of white paper, and it would be courteous and respectful to keep the image quality of this place higher by making simple choices.

Candybooru is an inclusive place but it isn’t a dumping ground. Everyone should take care to present their work at or near its best.

SuitCase on January 27, 2018.