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Comment ID #92752

oooooo!!! I loved every second of this!!i loved the couples you chose! plus the babies ; w ; !! So precious! and the memorable scene is beautiful . Im glad theyll where there for each other even if they ended up broken up

giankitty .

Comment ID #92753

HAHAAAA this is so good!! Honestly it enhances the experience that you gave up on an earlier version of this because you get to talk about what has changed!!! Mike slowly earning his good boy points while Paulo is in the pits…

The human abbey expression is so freaken good and i will always love that you give paulo those cute boy eyelashes ;__; also yes fork in the road best end <3

The preppy Augustus with LASTNAME LMAOOOO, I love the way you designed his hair!

Taeshi .

Comment ID #92754


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