Does it matter? I know the army shaves there heads so the dont get pulled to their death by their hair... but what im asking couldnt he get pulled by his fur?
Does it matter? I know the army shaves there heads so the dont get pulled to their death by their hair... but what im asking couldnt he get pulled by his fur?
Longer than anything hair is a risk in close or tight quarters.
*Insert unfunny unoriginal homosexuality joke here that will probably make you roll your eyes at how pointless it is*
*insert sound of amusement here at the above*
What the heck is wrong with your hair Private!?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!? The next time I see that Kevlar there better be NOTHING under it or you'll be doing push ups till your arms are jelly!
no way to our Paulo to shave his hair
I dont trust Lucy with a razor
Comment ID #19890
He'll never do it
Anonymous #1 on February 12, 2011.