
Candybooru image #2859, tagged with Lucy Paulo Taeshi_(Artist) commission


Comment ID #19890

He'll never do it


Anonymous #1 on February 12, 2011.

Comment ID #20004

Does it matter? I know the army shaves there heads so the dont get pulled to their death by their hair... but what im asking couldnt he get pulled by his fur?

Anonymous #2 on February 12, 2011.

Comment ID #20038

Longer than anything hair is a risk in close or tight quarters.

Hoheh on February 13, 2011.

Comment ID #20805

*Insert unfunny unoriginal homosexuality joke here that will probably make you roll your eyes at how pointless it is*

Anonymous #3 on February 22, 2011.

Comment ID #27013

*insert sound of amusement here at the above*

Hoheh on May 21, 2011.

Comment ID #27502

What the heck is wrong with your hair Private!?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!? The next time I see that Kevlar there better be NOTHING under it or you'll be doing push ups till your arms are jelly!

DarkfoxSoldier on May 30, 2011.

Comment ID #38786

no way to our Paulo to shave his hair Mad Lucy

lucas on September 20, 2011.

Comment ID #54890

I dont trust Lucy with a razor D:

LaughOutLoud on December 29, 2012.