
Candybooru image #3027, tagged with Effie_(Artist) Lucy Mike Sandy


Comment ID #21303

It's a little bit crappy 'cause it looks dirty, also colors are terrible because it's not in normal white paper. My mouse doesn't work so this was the only way to upload it with colors :C

Effie on March 1, 2011.

Comment ID #21304

Don't beat yourself up, it looks great. The only dirty thing is what Mike could be doing on the other side of the line. ;)

Ahroo on March 1, 2011.

Comment ID #21316

@Ahroo XD nice
@Effie I agree with Ahroo his is a great piece of fanart


Anonymous #1 on March 1, 2011.

Comment ID #21317

Thank u guys =)It's just that the type of paper doesn't help with the coloring e-e

Effie on March 1, 2011.

Comment ID #21319


Anonymous #2 on March 1, 2011.

Comment ID #21382

Lucy came over to confess her feelings to Sandy. In complete understanding, Sandy called up Mike about them having a three way. Mike is excited, Lucy is wut?, and Sandy can't wait to get down on her closest friends.

Arc_Impulse on March 2, 2011.

Comment ID #21395

Wow nice art :D

AndreBR on March 2, 2011.

Comment ID #21397

Lucy and Sandy so should start sisterly friendship. Sandy is nice by default and Lucy is likely to warm up to her in no time.

Hoheh on March 2, 2011.

Comment ID #21418

"Lucy and Sandy so should start sisterly friendship. Sandy is nice by default and Lucy is likely to warm up to her in no time."

Aww yes, that would be cute =D

Effie on March 3, 2011.

Comment ID #21420

But, reality gets in the way. Lucy'd rip her face off before befriending her. ;)

Ahroo on March 3, 2011.

Comment ID #21464

But for what could she blame her? Sandy was always kind with Lucy when they were kids, also it's not her fault that Mike prefered her over Lucy.

Effie on March 3, 2011.

Comment ID #21468

Reason doesn't work in real life. Only here, where you can only glare at each other menacingly. ;)

Ahroo on March 4, 2011.

Comment ID #21511

Hmph. I prefer reasonable actions. :/

Hoheh on March 4, 2011.

Comment ID #21519

haha me too. Like, Lucy would win more problems with Mike if she hurts Sandy just because she wants :/

Effie on March 4, 2011.