
Candybooru image #3873, tagged with Abbey TailsX101_(Artist) parody


Comment ID #30931

I had this in my head for quite a while. Abbey as Ragna the Bloodedge from BlazBlue!

TailsX101 on July 1, 2011.

Comment ID #31044

This is so awesome that for one second I was actually going to make a "Chuck Norris approves this" comment, but then realized that this deserves much more than an overused compliment, so I'm going to write about how awesome this is in a long detailed comment:
This piece of art blew my fucking mind, make more and the world will be a better place.
Paulo (and Paulo's hawt dad) approved 8-)

Anonymous #1 on July 3, 2011.

Comment ID #31076

........*turns head 120°*

Is that like a sword in his hand or something.

Anonymous #2 on July 4, 2011.

Comment ID #31078

The awesomness of this picture is gigantic!
No realy, it's a realy nice art.
I ges that an Abby like this cold not be called a wuss by Paulo XD.

Arthorius on July 4, 2011.

Comment ID #31595

Yay, I love this game. Back then from long ago, was kinda feeling like having some BlazBlue crossover art, when I saw the Guilty Gear ones.

Very nice drawing, dood.

zoestell37 on July 8, 2011.