
Candybooru image #5576, tagged with BotonWiggles_(Artist) Paulo


Comment ID #45301

Why I am so horrible at this aaaaaa
(Also was going to to color but couldn't find the pencils)

BotonWiggles on February 24, 2012.

Comment ID #45337

Why? That's...a good question.
Uhm...I guess just search for how to draw tips on google D:

ThatGuy on February 25, 2012.

Comment ID #45343

dat fur

Skittz on February 26, 2012.

Comment ID #45347

This is the face Paulo made as he killed the hooker and threw her into the river.

Anialator on February 26, 2012.

Comment ID #50609

Nice to see budding artists! And don't worry about it, I can't draw at all.

TheCountryBoy on July 7, 2012.