I love all of these ships, give them to meee-
-Grabby hands!!-
I love all of these ships, give them to meee-
-Grabby hands!!-
Cool drawing.
Very nice!
Interesting colors!
Amaya looks so happy with David and Sue.
RachelxMike? Hahaha, poor guy will be dragged around by his scarf a lot and have his innocence compromised.
ABBEYS LIL HEART CHEST FUR ;~; this is so bright and pretty!! i love how everyone is so expressive. lovelovelove it
David/McCain is just wonderful))))
i spy
with my little eye
my impossible otp
the colors are so good
Having some trouble, McCain?~
Jessica's tail
HA! The ones with Amaya are just the best >O<
Great use of complementary colors! David x McCain
Comment ID #76341
AAAAAA sorry it's so sketchy. I didn't know wether this would upload or not because I was having trouble with a different picture... so I didn't want to spend too much time on it...
Anyway, here's some weird cracky ships. I just realized that I probably tagged this wrong. I'm sorry.
juicebot on January 11, 2017.