
Candybooru image #16434, tagged with Alejandro Augustus Daisy David Kizuna Lily Lucy Magical_Girl_Lucy_Chan McCain Mike MikexLucy Paulo Paulo's_dad Sandy Sue Tess Tiff Toby excellent parody pixel_art


Comment ID #92471

This is so fucking rad???? Awesome stuff! 8-) 8-) 8-)
I wonder if Pascal would be on two legs or four.....

Ren on April 1, 2024.

Comment ID #92472

Oh, right, forgot to add: heavily inspired by the "Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia" (you should go and play it) as well as all the classic SMT's and MT's. Happy April Fools'! More art in the source to not spam the booru with rest of mahou shoujo pics and sketches (link permanent) :-*

Kizu on April 1, 2024.

Comment ID #92473

jesus christ my 12yo self would have been freaking out at this magical girl lucy stuff LMAOOOOO!!! So many deep-cut references as well to various parts of the comic!! Tiff being someone to battle is really funny as well. This must have taken a ridiculous amount of work, so amazing ;__; ERRR, i mean.. i have played this game. You guys should download it and play it as well. I am not an april fool

Paulo using the sword from that one BCI in one of the concept sketches is so 10/10 lmao

Taeshi on April 1, 2024.

Comment ID #92474

WOA this is nuts! I love the pixel art so much. :love: :love:

nowo on April 1, 2024.