
Candybooru image #10855, tagged with Kitten Lucy choco_(Artist) excellent


Comment ID #71098

urgh I missed the stream, but I got to read the new stories in the BCI and wanted to draw something bc wow my heart hurts TT__TT

choco on April 25, 2016.

Comment ID #71099

Best BCI Extra tbh, so emotional and made me cry holy moly

Karina on April 25, 2016.

Comment ID #71100

Haven't even read the BCI comic (hmm i'm not BCI i wonder why)... But I can feel the feels from the land of peasants. ;_;

Lotsaspaghetti on April 25, 2016.

Comment ID #71103

I am happy this BCI comic has generated more art. This is very sweet and sad. ;.;

Yaschiri on April 25, 2016.

Comment ID #71107

daaang i wish i had membership now just to see this comic!!

faune on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71108

This is really sweet! I feel like I don't even need to read the story now =]

The pose is kinda strange though. It looks like the little kid is holding her up.

yorkie_owo on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71118

I think I just found a new PC-Background...

Jappo on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71119

Awwww poor Lucy baby and Lucy's baby

jeroenhd on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71122


cabalmaster on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71125


Little kid is veri stronk.

Lotsaspaghetti on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71128

Seems like this is a very depressing story. Too bad I can't read it, as I don't have any money. But judging from the pictures I've seen, Mike and Lucy have a one-night stand together. I guess Mike just leaves or something, and Lucy has their child...?

Shade on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #71138

very nice illustraded, Its probably my favorite part from the chapter as the rest is prettymuch reused drama cycle... in adult version and yet immature handled between the characters... would be real cool though if the story extended to the.... carnival part :P

EvilKitty3 on April 26, 2016.

Comment ID #76117

Choco your submissions will forever be one of my top favourites ;_;

TravelPastel on December 28, 2016.

Comment ID #92576

Heartwarming moment.

Almultimavenger on April 26, 2024.