Trapped — Page 36

Author commentary

Veronica: Let me hit you and then try to say something uplifting, that’s how friendship works right?

I always find these two fun to write, each tries to one-up the other

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Comment ID #294293

These two always make me grin. I love it.

Gabe February 20, 2015, 4:15 PM EST.

Comment ID #294304

Aug is all like, “Yeah, I do look like a freakin’ idiot.”
You know, maybe Aug is the kind of guy who likes a more aggressive girl or maybe he just thought that was funny. Because he really likes Daisy and it doesn’t get more flowery than that.

It is somewhat of an unusual relationship. Aug will be coming down on Lucy when she’s mopping and Lucy will come down on Aug when he’s mopping. They got no connection, but they seem to enjoy evening each other out when one of them goes a little too deep.

Blank On Purpose February 20, 2015, 7:56 PM EST.

Comment ID #294343

“ You look like a freakin’ Idiot


Why February 23, 2015, 1:07 AM EST.

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