Search TipsTags with spaces are represented with underscores, so instead of searching for BCB Art Meme, search for BCB_Art_Meme.You can search for images containing multiple tags, just use spaces to separate them. Sue Daisy will find pictures containing Sue and Daisy together.You can subtract tags from your search. Lucy -Mike finds pictures of Lucy without Mike in them.You can search for metadata like user (uploader), size (pixel dimensions), image ID, aspect ratio or file size. Examples of metadata searches: user=SuitCase, size=1024x768, id=1233, ratio<2:1 or filesize>=3MB.You can find images people have added as their favorites, like favorited_by=Taeshi.Finally, you can search by date. Try posted=2010-12-25 to see images posted on Christmas Day 2010.
Comment ID #76411
Initially this was a bit larger, but the beginning didn't say anything the last few panels said.

Either way, enjoy this from my kitten-brain
CWatts .
Comment ID #76412
Oh my god this is so cute!! I love it! Every other day since I've seen the first posting I came back to look at it or think about it lol
esinololly .
Comment ID #76416
Aw, thank you! It was fun to do
CWatts .
Comment ID #76419
Complete comic yay!
Juan_Pablo .
Comment ID #76422
Yaaaay more came out!!! I literally love this, it's so keut <3
TravelPastel .