Bittersweet Candy Bowl

“Behind Closed Doors.”

Intermission, page 19 of 32. Posted 7/26/24.

Welcome to Bittersweet Candy Bowl, a comic about love, cats and high school drama.

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Behind Closed Doors — Page 19

Author commentary

Veronica: Mike will never live it down.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Steven Marshall: Look I understand that they\'re teenagers and you can\'t be too hard on them, but words can’t begin to describe how much I genuinely detest Abbey and Sue right now. Praying for Mike to either kick them out his house or for Paulo to come bursting out of the closet to tell them both to shut the f*ck up (which obviously won’t happen because that would have definitely been brought up in a later chapter but god it would be so wonderful right about now).

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Volume Seven! Augustus plush! Lucy figurine!

April 26, 2024

Bittersweet Candy Bowl Volume Seven

It’s Bittersweet Candy Bowl: Volume Seven, just launched on Kickstarter! Here’s the tl;dr:

  • There’s a beautiful new book
  • The Augustus plush is real, and he’s got a bonus outfit
  • You can get a Lucy figurine complete with a bunch of files inside her cute little head.

It’s the BIGGEST volume since number one — we’re talking 420 pages, covering “After You” to “Eternal Flame”. With, of course, an exclusive book-only chapter, with sketches of your BCB character if you want ‘em.

Back now on Kickstarter!

But let’s not forget:

Augustus plush and Lucy figurine

Augustus! The boy! With a button-clasp removable cape, he’s ready to move in and take your spare bedroom. PLUS! Kickstarter backers get an exclusive additional outfit. An adorable hoodie (borrowed from Jordan’s wardrobe) that diminishes all of that Final Fantasy Cat mystique for good.

Augustus plushie wearing a hoodie

And… Lucy! Eternal Flame Lucy! Suitable for staging romantic(?) moments on snowy hilltops, she’s a lovely little ornament.. but you can also, like.. do this.. if you want…

Lucy figurine missing a head

She’s a USB drive. With the entire BCB eBook collection, an archive of BCB related videos, and… um. Look, it’s normal, okay? You can keep her head on if you prefer.

Three things! And WAY more. Kickstarter allows us to do all sorts of bulk discounts we don’t do otherwise, so if you wanna pick up the REST of the books? Now’s the time! Wanna complete your plush set? Here, it’s on discount!

All you gotta do.. is pledge for a copy of Volume Seven!

Go pledge for Volume Seven!

— Veronica and Oliver

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