61. Pillow Talk, page posted 4/11/11

Page 42 of 61

Pillow Talk — Page 42

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Comment ID #156244

Is that Lucy’s dad? Or possibly her brother? I only say that because he is white, like Lucy, and has two different colored eyes, which is a highly prized trait among Khao Manees. Also he looks like he is going to kill Mike, that’s kind of a fatherly/brotherly thing to do…right? :unsure:

Golden Eyed Wolf April 11, 2011, 12:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #156391

could panel 4 be Mike imagining Lucy as Sandy, panel 5 Lucy just realizing that Mike is thinking of Sandy while he’s spending time with her, and panel 6 is Mike is feeling a little guilty about the hole thing? or something like that

sen April 11, 2011, 3:34 AM EDT.

Comment ID #156611

Wonder what Mike was going to say before he got interrupted. Unless this flashback is referencing to something and I’m not catching on…

Still, yay! It’s been awhile since we saw at least a “bit” of subtle Mike x Lucy fluff. :D So much drama recently.

Lucy’s bro is gonna punch yo lights out~

Nandito April 12, 2011, 12:36 AM EDT.

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