This is Candybooru, a user-contributed Bittersweet Candy Bowl fan art gallery. You can search for tagged artists or characters (e.g. Taeshi and Paulo), comment on pictures, or upload your own. Sign up for a Candybooru account and get involved!


    BCB_Art_Meme (900x5700, 567.9KB)
    Augustus AugustusxRachel Rachel capybarapyjama_(Artist) (1003x562, 155.3KB)
    Cosplay PauloxDaisy birthday (1698x1682, 3.1MB)
    Katie Lani Teruko_(Artist) (1307x1985, 2.2MB)
    DavidxAmaya Kitten agentchimendez_(Artist) (1700x1757, 648.9KB)
    Lucy LucyxSue Sue splotchi_(Artist) (1712x1863, 1.4MB)
    Abbey ScaleKnight194_(Artist) (1600x2400, 343.8KB)
    JEREMYGNDR_(Artist) Sandy (923x951, 1.1MB)
    Frogchamp_(Artist) Jessica Rachel (1748x2480, 3.8MB)
    Mike MikexSandy Sandy megagallade_(Artist) (1892x1529, 4.7MB)
    Frogchamp_(Artist) Lucy (1080x1280, 880.6KB)
    Augustus Lucy Moonybadger_(Artist) (960x540, 1.1MB)
    Daisy David DavidxPaulo JEREMYGNDR_(Artist) James Lucy Mike MikexPaulo Paulo PauloxDaisy PauloxJames PauloxLucy PauloxRachel Rachel (1121x929, 1.8MB)
    David DavidxPaulo Paulo artfight scrunchmew_(Artist) (1544x1170, 2.3MB)
    Lucy Paulo PauloxLucy SpaceMouse_(Artist) (750x750, 368.4KB)
    Narrator_(Artist) Sandy (3090x3999, 3.1MB)
    1 2 3 ... 877