This is Candybooru, a user-contributed Bittersweet Candy Bowl fan art gallery. You can search for tagged artists or characters (e.g. Taeshi and Paulo), comment on pictures, or upload your own. Sign up for a Candybooru account and get involved!


Daisy fantasmaazul_(Artist) meme (690x326, 152KB)
comic Lucy Mike (1600x2210, 2.4MB)
comic Mike (1600x2210, 1.6MB)
Blur Scronchy_(Artist) Yashy (1536x2048, 1.2MB)
agentchimendez_(Artist) Contest Sue (1078x1358, 115KB)
Abbey Contest Kyno_(Artist) parody (2060x3840, 405KB)
Daisy Kitten meme Paulo PauloxDaisy Scronchy_(Artist) (1536x2048, 736KB)
Arid_(Artist) Augustus Contest Paulo (2770x3528, 1.0MB)
Contest EzekielWonders_(Artist) Justin (650x1000, 249KB)
Contest Cosplay Digital Lucy PachiiMochii_(Artist) pixel_art snow (3600x4800, 289KB)
Augustus Frogchamp_(Artist) Rachel transgender (1650x1250, 1.2MB)
Amaya Kyno_(Artist) (670x758, 252KB)
Daisy Paulo PauloxDaisy ScratchKat_(Artist) (767x767, 81KB)
Frogchamp_(Artist) Rachel (1080x1350, 907KB)
Daisy elliebeanz_(Artist) human Lucy Mike Paulo (2664x2200, 2.3MB)
Abbey EzekielWonders_(Artist) Justin JustinxMolly Molly (612x1752, 581KB)
giankitty_(Artist) Sandy (1280x941, 586KB)
giankitty_(Artist) Lucy LucyxSandy Sandy (1280x1177, 593KB)
AbbeyxPaulo agentchimendez_(Artist) Daisy parody Paulo PauloxDaisy (1398x1105, 184KB)
Lucy LucyxSandy Maia_(Artist) Sandy (1250x1129, 325KB)
Lucy LucyxSandy Maia_(Artist) Sandy (1250x889, 285KB)
Daisy Lucy Maia_(Artist) Paulo PauloxDaisy (830x779, 847KB)
Augustus Daisy Lucy Mike Nowo_(Artist) parody Paulo (2035x1609, 1.5MB)
Frogchamp_(Artist) Lucy (1080x1350, 1.3MB)
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