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To be honest it's Paulo who would be unable to read Island of the Blue Dolphins. I mean the very beginning does involve feral dogs killing a child. And we know what happens to Paulo when the dogs start barking.
Comment ID #430
Ooh i just love very one of those books except for pigman which ive never heard of
-true liar
Anonymous # .
Comment ID #13888
Awww, that's so adorable/sad/hilarious in so many ways!
Anonymous #1 .
Comment ID #35087
Wasn't exactly the best Friendship Day...
ScrabMaster .
Comment ID #38182
Heh I love all of these books.
Sparkfur .
Comment ID #45513
Love all those books, but I've never heard of "The Pigman" or "Island of the Blue Dolphins".
NintendoSegaSonyGuy .
Comment ID #51803
"Island of the Blue Dolphin" Thats a great book read it with my class in fourth grade.
Shannon .
Comment ID #53331
Happy friendship day. Daisy is just so adowwwrable. ^.^
And "ooh, I like pigs" was really funny.
foggy_han .
Comment ID #81424
To be honest it's Paulo who would be unable to read Island of the Blue Dolphins. I mean the very beginning does involve feral dogs killing a child. And we know what happens to Paulo when the dogs start barking.
kamimatsu .
Comment ID #83809
Oh, Lucy.
1434939 .
Comment ID #92120
Okay Lucy didn't have to go there.
Almultimavenger .