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I decided to be nice and show you guys concept work for a future storyline!!! That is rewritten in certain ways so it's mildly obsolete SO I'M POSTING THIS HERE
Apparently the clothes DO make the man. Guys want to see girls naked; girls want to see guys dressed.
Then again, all the guys thought Daisy was hot when she dressed up for Mike, so maybe its just that clothes are sexy in the BCB universe. Gives "let me slip into something more comfortable" a whole new world of meaning.
I wonder if this will happen in a future chapter after all? bet then again, Lucy's either at a hospital or she really has transferred to a boarding school after all , is this never gonna happen in a future chapter at all ? Rachel's already turning 17 in chapter 80: Happy Hour, and its february in that chapter this year, so what will Paulo's 16th birthday be like with Lucy not around ?
Comment ID #54409
Circa 2009.
I decided to be nice and show you guys concept work for a future storyline!!! That is rewritten in certain ways so it's mildly obsolete SO I'M POSTING THIS HERE
Taeshi .
Comment ID #54410
I am amused.
Oh Lucy. Mike is right there next to you.
Apparently the clothes DO make the man. Guys want to see girls naked; girls want to see guys dressed.
Then again, all the guys thought Daisy was hot when she dressed up for Mike, so maybe its just that clothes are sexy in the BCB universe. Gives "let me slip into something more comfortable" a whole new world of meaning.
TitaniumDragon .
Comment ID #54412
I do love a man in uniform
SpaceMouse .
Comment ID #54413
I see paulo hit the summit on his career ladder; lucy is quite impressed.
Purin .
Comment ID #54414
Radial .
Comment ID #54418
If mike whants a milkshake he should turn to lucy.
bluefox .
Comment ID #54419
I love this. This just immediately became one of my favorite old style BCB pages ever. One of the funniest too.
NintendoSegaSonyGuy .
Comment ID #54420
he does look sexy, don't really know why... maybe he seems taller? meh I love it
Sam .
Comment ID #54422
Well he is meant to be 16 in this, he gets his job in April.
Taeshi .
Comment ID #54448
So he gets his job the same month of his birthday
Moshilun .
Comment ID #54452
i looooove this so much. and clothes do make the man
moozers .
Comment ID #54978
a part of me really hopes lucy's face in the top right panel stays in the finalized version-- she's too cute!! ;-;
patchwork .
Comment ID #55754
I'm not sure I'll ever stop loving Paluo and Lucy.
Q .
Comment ID #56555
PauloxLucy OTP
She want dat Paulo...
Thatoneguy .
Comment ID #59745
I wonder if this will happen in a future chapter after all? bet then again, Lucy's either at a hospital or she really has transferred to a boarding school after all
, is this never gonna happen in a future chapter at all
? Rachel's already turning 17 in chapter 80: Happy Hour, and its february in that chapter this year, so what will Paulo's 16th birthday be like with Lucy not around
Comment ID #61467
holy shit, after all these years its finally happened in a different way now, Damn...