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Comment ID #61319
i drew some things 2 years ago that were inspired by omocat and i wanted to continue that trend
a bit of a doozy to upload on mother's day weekend but you know how it goes
isabelle .
Comment ID #61322
You should post the source of the original artist! This definitely looks familiar, I like how it turned out.
Taeshi .
Comment ID #61323
oops! i thought just saying it was inspired by omocat was enough. sorry! i'll go ahead and put her website in the source.
isabelle .
Comment ID #61327
Wow. That is dark, but in the coolest way.
Daffyhat .
Comment ID #61330
your gallery here is super eclectic and i like the ideas you use and appropriate
SuitCase .
Comment ID #61341
aw, thank you! for christmas all i want is a consistent art style and creativity so i can come up with ideas on my own. haha
isabelle .
Comment ID #62238
omocat is cool i really love her works ;u;
MimiChan .