77. Study Buddy, page posted 8/2/13

Page 18 of 20

Study Buddy — Page 18

Author commentary

Veronica: Man Jasmine just smacked all those insecurity buttons with a sledgehammer, huh.

I guess Jasmine had some time to think and figured out that she and Paulo weren’t really that much of a match after all. Paulo’s too goofy and she’s too serious?

Their relationship never really felt that romantic, to be honest, but I think that was actually Paulo trying to be really respectful towards Jasmine :(

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Reader comments

Comment ID #255532

Oh jeeze. You gotta wonder if she’s being completely honest, or if she’s saying that out of spite. Even though it may be harsh, it’s something he needs to hear, everyone needs to do a little growing up.

Verndari August 2, 2013, 1:00 PM EDT.

Comment ID #255578

Huh, I like Jasmine a lot more when she’s not dating Paulo. Turns out she’s a more interesting character than just “love interest of one of the mains”.

Paulo does have some major growing up to do. He’s actually a bit like Daisy; the first bit of attention from the opposite sex and he can’t help but go for it—incidentally, the opposite of Mike. His sleeping with and then flirting with Rachel would be fine if he hadn’t already emotionally dedicated himself to Lucy—and BROKEN UP with his previous girlfriend for Lucy. Sure they weren’t actually together, but Paulo was getting ready to take that step and then he turned to an entirely different girl for comfort. As it is he just can’t seem to commit.

Ket August 2, 2013, 2:06 PM EDT.

Comment ID #255632

She’s just saying “don’t worry about what I think, because I’m just not into you anymore.” And, yeah, like most of the people at Paulo’s age, he acts immature. Jasmine’s a very intelligent kid, and is probably miles ahead of her peers in development (emotional/mental). She probably won’t be seriously considering dating for awhile while she waits for her peers to grow out of being noisy kids.

Neveko August 2, 2013, 5:25 PM EDT.

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