Carry Me — Page 25

Author commentary

Veronica: When I was little, I had this habit with my brother when were talking, where in the middle of a sentence we’d interrupt each other with a memorable quote likt that.

That is kind of what happened with David there :-[ It was a joke I wanted to not use but as I was writing the thumbnails THAT IS WHAT CAME UP. And I could not think of anything else that made more sense, it just felt like something he would also do.

Here is the funny thing, Lucy sounds pretty bad at the moment YET WITH PAULO HER SONG NOTES WERE STILL BUBBLY.

in his eyes, she still sang beautifully…

think about that for a while you PauloxLucy shippers hahahahahahahsob

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Reader comments

Comment ID #179206

Poor Lucy can’t sing very well, but at least she’s gotten over her stage fright (for now) :D

Inumaru12 August 29, 2011, 12:01 AM EDT.

Comment ID #179209

Is Mike really the only one there? You’d think that there be more people.

NITWITT August 29, 2011, 12:02 AM EDT.

Comment ID #179251

Wow. Jess is creepin’

johnnyBUZZ August 29, 2011, 12:23 AM EDT.

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