
Candybooru image #5312, tagged with Augustus AugustusxLucy BCB_Art_Meme Jasmine Lucy Michikorabbit2_(Artist) Mike Paulo Sue


Comment ID #43457

Hi everybody just joined today :D

Also first time drawing cat people so no-judge :/

Michikorabbit2 on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43460

too late, your favorite character isn't Paulo THE JUDGEMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN PASSED

SpaceMouse on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43462

I hope these aren't your serious opinions. I mean, you're welcome to them, it's just I usually equate this sort of thing with SpecEds.

SushiJaguar on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43463


... :/

Michikorabbit2 on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43469

Just ignore him, he's just a butthurt MikexLucy shipper than doesn't appreciate AugustusxLucy ;)


Taeshi on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43484

Just ignore Taeshi, she's a soft-hearted nigger that sugarcoats her words like the pathetic, broken woman she is.

AugustusxLucy is a retarded pairing for stupid people (OH GOD 6 SENTENCES OF DIALOGUE TRUE LOVE 5ever!) and the fact it has gained such a following disgusts me. And I hate MikexLucy/PauloxLucy with a burning passion. So no restorting to that argument, Buttshi.

Cute are style though.

Susan on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43493

Why is it retarded?
You would be suprised, how many pairings similar to AugustusxLucy worked out, they are pretty realistic - I would rather consider MikexLucy as imposibble pairing

Maybe you are just not shipping any couple? :) That's okay, but You know, romance is pretty much everything about this comic :D (well, at least for now)

eniena on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43494

"pairings similar" I mean "couples"...

eniena on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43495

Also number 10: HAHAHAHA :D that's so canon!!

eniena on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43496

This is awesome.

shunoflegacy on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43500


I didn't choose AugustusxLucy because it made any sense, I chose it because I happen to like the pairing. Why do you take technicolor cats so seriously?

Michikorabbit2 on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43508

Number 11, you learn the hard way? :O

Anialator on December 28, 2011.

Comment ID #43556

Seriously people, I'm not an AugustusxLucy shipper but I think they would look cute together, if if their personalities don't mesh all that well.

Can the girl just like the cats her way and not be demoted to special ed?

Pretty messed up

Ellie on December 29, 2011.

Comment ID #43585

I agree with Ellie let her Like the cats her way

Momodudet on December 29, 2011.

Comment ID #43620

I noticed the expressions most of all, oh god number 10 is glorious.

BreadMcCrumbs on December 30, 2011.

Comment ID #43621

also, wow you got here from tvtropes?:o

BreadMcCrumbs on December 30, 2011.

Comment ID #43698

Don't do drugs?
Too late!

Also, just ignore Susan. Everyone else does.

Eveco on January 2, 2012.

Comment ID #49237

LOL paulo TO BILL BRASKY!! 8-)

Steve_from_accounting on June 9, 2012.