Search TipsTags with spaces are represented with underscores, so instead of searching for BCB Art Meme, search for BCB_Art_Meme.You can search for images containing multiple tags, just use spaces to separate them. Sue Daisy will find pictures containing Sue and Daisy together.You can subtract tags from your search. Lucy -Mike finds pictures of Lucy without Mike in them.You can search for metadata like user (uploader), size (pixel dimensions), image ID, aspect ratio or file size. Examples of metadata searches: user=SuitCase, size=1024x768, id=1233, ratio<2:1 or filesize>=3MB.You can find images people have added as their favorites, like favorited_by=Taeshi.Finally, you can search by date. Try posted=2010-12-25 to see images posted on Christmas Day 2010.
if you look at Lucy's eyes its like a hill with a cloud and moon in the night but if you look at Paulo's eyes its just like Lucy's but its in the morning...ITS SO COOL,THATS WHY THEIR MY FAVORITE COUPLE
Comment ID #45225
Awww this is really good!!!

Kitkatlovespaulo .
Comment ID #45226
Augustus x Lucy is bad and you should feel bad for even suggesting it.
Radial .
Comment ID #45227
Awwwww!!!!!! it's sooo cute
Salimfia .
Comment ID #45231
Shut up <3
HappyCat .
Comment ID #45233
flara .
Comment ID #45234
xXsakura1989Xx .
Comment ID #45235
i going to make one of augustusxdaisy for u ok dont worry
xXsakura1989Xx .
Comment ID #45248
IDog .
Comment ID #45264
Cece .
Comment ID #45302
Don't let radial get to you. There will always be fanbrats out there c:
HappyCat .
Comment ID #45303
Oh ho ho, I see that red string of fate there!
Tabris .
Comment ID #45308
MeltedMarshmallows .
Comment ID #45312
if you look at Lucy's eyes its like a hill with a cloud and moon in the night but if you look at Paulo's eyes its just like Lucy's but its in the morning...ITS SO COOL,THATS WHY THEIR MY FAVORITE COUPLE
MeltedMarshmallows .
Comment ID #45392
AugustusxLucy is freaking dumb. Maybe you should work on not using colours that contrast painfully.
SushiJaguar .
Comment ID #45445
Shannon .
Comment ID #45637
Their eyes kind of scare me.
And the color outlining is a little painful to look at.
Otherwise good job.
BBRhymes .