I'm sorry, but those glasses.. I just can't unsee her as McKain.
I'm sorry, but those glasses.. I just can't unsee her as McKain.
Interesting Greek style, although the sunglasses call for modern age... I guess the finger is for some tourist that just asket her to take a picture
All right Ace, you didn't want a critique so this'll just be a direct quote from Taeshi:
Taeshi: The really funny thing is that I LOVE Ace’s outfit despite that? Just something about it
Taeshi: It just looks exotic and makes me wish someone who can draw really well could redraw it
So feel proud. It really was a great design which could actually be a runway dress.
Comment ID #51057
On the plane ride home I failed in my nuzlocke run so I decided to doodle and this came out! Well, the sketch underneath. The colors were using Citadel paints that I regularly use for models. Besides the fact that I can't draw faces/ heads and such all that well, nor do I understand dress making, I think it went well enough.
Oh and I guess there is a contest or something I guess I've now entered or whatever.
Ace on July 16, 2012.