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Comment ID #26697
good communication, he laid it all out for her
Comment ID #26698
Good on Paulo for putting down the expectation! College isn’t for everyone and definitely doesn’t mean instant success
Comment ID #26699
Good start, Paulo! I’m thinking it’d be better to go into detail about your feelings on college tho
Comment ID #26700
Good for Paulo, making sure she’s aware of his plans and boundaries! I know Daisy sees the best in people and wants to be the best version she imagines of them, but a few years down the line he won’t have any student loan, and be supporting her through med school 🥰 I think the kids will be alright
Comment ID #26701
Some people are just not made for college, better to realise that earlier then after spending several of your years there.
Kiall Vun Myeret
Comment ID #26702
Look at this communication!! So proud of them I hope they don’t implode ðŸ˜
Raine Bell
Comment ID #26703
Good on him for communicating that boundary but I have my doubts she’s gonna be able to let go of that hope so easily or that she’ll be very good at hiding that she wants to push him to be different or her own definition of ‘better’.
Comment ID #26704
Daisy: Would it be great to have D’s instead of F’s, and D stands for Daisy.
Paulo: What did I got myself into…
Comment ID #26705
Good boundary setting and cmmunication. These two are already starting off strong. But yes….. paulo could use a small boost in his grades, it might help a little down the line.
Personally I understand Paulo, school and I never clicked. it wasn’t that I was dumb. I just dislikedhomwork. Give me work at school I’d do it easily, but homework?….. why am I bringing my work home, my parents didn’t even do that with their jobs, unless it was a favour for a friend.
Kirk Findlay