*Lucy lounges at the desk in her room, one hand on the mouse as she checks her email.*
[A segment of the screen is shown at the top of the panel, showing a particular message in her inbox. It’s from “Your Friend” and has the subject “Lucy, join my social network”.]
Lucy: Ugh, again? At least I know how to respond to this one.
*Lucy leans forward, looking irritated as her fingers tap on the keys.*
Lucy: “Go.. to.. hell..”
*Lucy leans back in her chair again, smirking as she reads the response.*
Internet user: stfu
Lucy: (snicker)
*Her computer makes a bling sound to announce a new message.*
*Lucy looks confused.*
Lucy: Huh? “Message from Unknown Sender”?
*She clicks on the message.*
[A chat window appears. The window title is “Chat with huzzla8410”. The chat transcript reads “AIM IM with huzzla8410”, “hey! U gotta see dis vid. is so rad!! click 2 see now!!! he he he :)”, ending with a link to “18742168.mpeg”.]
Lucy: …
*Lucy curiously clicks on the message attachment.*
*Lucy gets out of her chair and walks away from the desk while the attachment downloads.*
Lucy: Lemme get something to drink.
*Lily is on the tabletop in the kitchen, smiling and holding a box of “Coocoo Charms” cereal that is as big as she is.*
Lily: Hello, Lucy.
*Lucy, holding a glass of juice, smiles at Lily.*
Lucy: Hey.
*Lucy looks slightly perplexed.*
Lucy: Can’t get enough of those prizes, huh?
*Lily beams happily.*
Lily: Yes!
*Lily puts down the box of cereal and puts her hands together. Sparkles appear around her. In the background, Lucy looks skeptical.*
Lily: Collecting all the pieces is a huge part of the Coocoo Charms fun!
*Lucy shrugs, smiling.*
Lucy: You can be so babyish sometimes!
*Lily looks over her shoulder at Lucy with a pout.*
Lily: And all your endless love triangles aren’t?
*Lucy looks annoyed and starts walking away from Lily, who watches her go.*
Lucy: Oh please. You’re thinking of my stupid friends, not me.
*Lily waves dismissively.*
Lily: Keep telling yourself that!
*Lily glances back at the box of Coocoo Charms that’s in front of her on the table.*
Lily: Hmm.. Now where was I.. .. Oh, right.
*Lily dives headfirst into the box of cereal.*
Lily: Surely they didn’t forget to put it in here..
*Lucy makes it back to her room, looking back toward the kitchen as she sits down at her desk. She’s still holding her glass of juice.*
Lucy (thinking): Man, Lily’s always winding me up.
*Lucy closes her eyes and takes a long drink of juice from her glass.*
Lucy (thinking): Hope that cereal keeps her busy.
*Lucy’s eyes open as she takes the glass away from her mouth. She begins to notice the computer.*
Lucy: ..?
*Lucy, deeply blushing, struggles not to spit out her drink. She hunches over in shock, staring at the screen.*
Lucy: ?!

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Reader comments
Comment ID #1396
Oh noes! Did she check to see if it was a .exe file? TROJAN!
Kan March 15, 2010, 1:38 AM EDT.
Comment ID #43613
Mistake Lucy,never accept files from random people in chatrooms
Dr.John June 14, 2010, 12:28 AM EDT.
Comment ID #183699
Don’t load the pic! It’s probablly porn!
XYZ September 30, 2011, 8:35 PM EDT.