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Comments from around the web
Jordan’a not alone. I can’t understand a word that Augustus is saying either.
Facebook: Megan Wood March 1, 2017
Smile and nod… Smile and nod. Lol
Facebook: Amy Pavey March 1, 2017
Augustus could be a school teacher at this rate.
Facebook: Michael Harris March 1, 2017
You can just feel the internal screaming
Facebook: Nanano Takahoshi March 1, 2017
AAAaaaaa the plush! It’s gorgeous!! aaaaAAAA!
Facebook: Markus Freivald March 1, 2017
Oh m’gosh is Augustus wearing Jordan’s clothes? Lookit him wearing polychromatic duds! :0
Tumblr: migbird March 1, 2017
Augustus in his blue hoodie <3 (he probs got it from Jordan XDD)
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso March 1, 2017
Love Augustus in the blue hoodie and showing his smarts!! ❤
Augustus, in this particular scene, really reminds me of my boyfriend…right down to the blue hoodie lol
Facebook: Molly Brown March 1, 2017