[A panel shows Mike holding his iPhone. The Messages app is on screen, showing he has just sent a message with a timestamp of “Sep 25, 2008 3:35pm”: “I miss you.”]
*Mike cries, tears pouring down his face as he taps another message into the phone.*
[A panel shows the next message Mike sends: “I had a really awful day today and I really need someone to talk to right now....... :(”]
*Mike rests his head on his arms. Outside his bedroom window, the sun is setting.*
[A panel shows the next message Mike sends: “Can you call me when you have time? Do you have time right now? Just hearing your voice would be really nice.....”]
*Mike, distraught and still slumped over at his desk, rubs his head. Outside, the sky is dark and full of stars.*
[A panel shows Mike’s final message: “Actually, don’t worry about it. I’m fine.”]

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Comments from around the web
I think I speak for everyone when I say:
Maishul, you fucked up.
Tumblr: roy6056 May 12, 2017
I still feel bad for him even after all he did, I’ve been in a similar situation in long distance
Facebook: Katie Nelson May 12, 2017
I have done this before so I feel him though if he does need to talk to someone he should reach out to more than just her…because in doing that is just making him feel worse. Since she isn’t the best at getting back to him right away.
Facebook: Lauren Mercer May 12, 2017
No. No no no. What is Sandy’s deal? What is happening with Sandy that is preventing her from not responding to that? Is her phone being taken away by her mom? Is she gonna “reply later” and got caught up in stuff? Is she just brushing it aside like it’s no big deal? Why didn’t they talk about this when she was physically THERE?
Mike needed to wake up to this much sooner, but man, I hope he’s waking up NOW. Communication has always been important to him, and his perfect partner isn’t giving him that. He HAS to make it clear that he needs more communication from her, or just end it.
Facebook: Andrea Daniels May 12, 2017
I want to feel bad for him. I really do…. but being a person that was verbally beat down by someone she trusted just like he did to Lucy (albit for different reasons, he was just a royal jerk)… I have a hard time feeling pity for him.
Facebook: Joslynn Pelletier May 12, 2017
Mike and Sandy seriously need to break up, this is so unhealthy. Besides, they barely ever talk or see eachother so this isn’t a relationship it’s like two kids play acting at having a relationship.
Facebook: Kit Stolz May 12, 2017