PDA — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: IT BEGINS…….

(A new chapter!)

Oliver: I HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! It’s Veronica’s (30th!!) birthday tomorrow, December 5, and she deserves all your love and praise for another year of hard work! At the time I write this she’s working hard, not on this chapter, not on the next chapter, but the chapter AFTER that! At 4:30 AM because I’ve kept her up doing all the Black Friday store orders! She doesn’t complain, she just works and works!

She is a kind and giving and compassionate and understanding girl and draws some very good cat drama. Please send all your birthday wishes to her Twitter, mail her something sweet, or if you’re inclined, just draw some damn good BCB fanart and put it on Candybooru! All these things are wonderful, but not as wonderful as her. Happy birthday Vero, I love you!!!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Tumblr image
Bittersweet nonsense I managed to track down.There’s also a broken Jessica charm I may or may not be able to find.

Tumblr: faline-cat444 December 1, 2017


Tumblr: wardencommanderdita December 1, 2017

Will we never find out what Lucy got Daisy for her birthday?

Tumblr: puns4puppies December 1, 2017

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