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TagsJayGamer_(Artist), Sandy
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Comment ID #67475

So I really like the style use by the Dalton and Emi over at Jaltoid, an awesome art-and-animation duo (who I left a link to in the source), and this was my attempt at imitating it.

Is that plagiarising? I hope not. :unsure:
I also made a wallpaper out of this, I dunno if anyone would want it but if you do then here:

JayGamer .

Comment ID #67476

i absolutely love how you did the coloring!!

sandy looks so adorable omggg ; o ;

jiwinu .

Comment ID #67477

Nothing wrong with being inspired by styles! So long as you mention who you’re inspired by and mimic it perfectly and say it’s your style hahahaha, this can be good inspiration to toy with things and develop your own style too!

Seriously this is super adorable, I love the immensely smooth lineart and her pretty eyes and just.. it’s all so awesome! Her hair is so so pretty ;___; Shiny baby

Taeshi .

Comment ID #67482

You can imitate others. Picture looks good except for Sandy's right hand, perhaps you should work on that.

Juan_Pablo .

Comment ID #67483

I meant to say is okay to imitate others.

Juan_Pablo .

Comment ID #67484

Ayy. This is a really imitation. Great job man!

dirtdog1996 .

Comment ID #67485

Great* fuk...

dirtdog1996 .

Comment ID #67488

Sandy is cute but for some reason I really like Jazmine. I think it's the asian look. That stuff gets me every time :P

JRodrig .

Comment ID #67489

Ugh I wish I could edit comments, that made me sound mean. Uhm....Request for Jazmine in this super cute style! <3

JRodrig .

Comment ID #67498


Anialator .

Comment ID #67500

You have real talent. Keep making these pieces, they are absolutely beautiful. :D

Jarod855 .