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At the request (demand) of DaniYellAtU.
I've kind of headcanon'd their kid's name to be Kayla because that's the name she randomly received on my BCB Tomodachi Life.
Comment ID #68718
crap i uploaded the bigger one i'm sorry
At the request (demand) of DaniYellAtU.
I've kind of headcanon'd their kid's name to be Kayla because that's the name she randomly received on my BCB Tomodachi Life.
JayGamer .
Comment ID #68719
That kid just made me smile, I absolutely LOOOOOOVE how she looks

Thank you Mount Evurrist
DaniYellAtU .
Comment ID #68720
For some reason, looking at this vaguely reminded me of An American Tale.
Shade .
Comment ID #68722
Maishuls baby is so cute ^~^
Murdoch .
Comment ID #68730
Hi my name is Kayla and I fully support this headcanon
Knuc .
Comment ID #69212
Really sweet family pic :3
Alewita .
Comment ID #70340
WAIT is she somehow wearing a blue scarf and Lucy bow at the same time????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zippo .
Comment ID #79612
Zippo she is....well uh-oh
Justin-Wells .
Comment ID #79718
*opens mouth
*no words
MikexSandyforlife .