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HI HELLO sorry for the shitty sketch but it's all I had time for :'0 you know how finals are lmao. I'll do my best to color it and make it all fancy-schmancy some time over the break, even though nobody asked for it-
but yeah I know this account isn't even a day old, but I've been reading BCB for like 5 years now lmao;; I think I did have an old account here (maybe under the name PastaIsALie?) but I only just now got the courage to put something up and I couldn't remember my old password :^)
jesus this is a long comment and all that really matters is Daisy is so cute and I love her
WHOA TY,,, you are so sweet!! ;0; your comment honestly made my day haha
and don't be jealous, your art is precious, g dang it! >:v you can draw noses and fluff great!
Comment ID #68890
HI HELLO sorry for the shitty sketch but it's all I had time for :'0 you know how finals are lmao. I'll do my best to color it and make it all fancy-schmancy some time over the break, even though nobody asked for it-
but yeah I know this account isn't even a day old, but I've been reading BCB for like 5 years now lmao;; I think I did have an old account here (maybe under the name PastaIsALie?) but I only just now got the courage to put something up and I couldn't remember my old password :^)
jesus this is a long comment and all that really matters is Daisy is so cute and I love her
ace-cadet .
Comment ID #68891
Sweet Jesus I wish you would have posted sooner!
You are an amazing artist.
OMG I'm so jealous of peoples ability to draw noses and fluff.
Murdoch .
Comment ID #68892
WHOA TY,,, you are so sweet!! ;0; your comment honestly made my day haha
and don't be jealous, your art is precious, g dang it! >:v you can draw noses and fluff great!
ace-cadet .
Comment ID #68893
They way the head is is TOO adorable
Markio .
Comment ID #68896
Daisy is already adorable but that nose and fluffy fur doubles the ADORBNEZZ
DaniYellAtU .
Comment ID #68900
2cute4me ;-;
NasalDiabetes .
Comment ID #68904
hh you all are so dang nice, tysm,,, ;v;
ace-cadet .