
Candybooru image #15678, tagged with Abbey Amaya ArtCollab Augustus AugustusxLucy AugustusxSandy Barkwad_(Artist) Blur BuzzyVizzi_(Artist) Catcus_(Artist) Courtney Daisy David DavidxAmaya Flower_Girl Haley Insomni-act_(Artist) James Jasmine Jessica Jordan JordanxMike JoyJoy_(Artist) Katie Kitten Lucy LucyxDaisy LucyxSue Matt Mike MikexLucy MikexPaulo Molly MrNostalgic_(Artist) NidDot_(Artist) Paulo Poppy_(Artist) Powerofthree_(Artist) Rachel Sandy Sandy's_Mother ScaleKnight194_(Artist) Shiraru_(Artist) Stacy SuexAmaya Tess Yewsea_(Artist) Zach agentchimendez_(Artist) aj_the_awkward_(Artist) parody sharpilu_(Artist) splotchi_(Artist) starsie_(Artist) suexlucy trainwretched_(Artist) whimsicalEden_(Artist)


Comment ID #91132

I’ll add in the tags later I have a list DONT worry! But thank you everyone for coming to the draw collab this Saturday! Lots of fun drawings from everyone thank you all so much! I’m gonna make a google form to decide when the next one will be shortly! *advertiser voice* please join the bcb discord server (link on the homepage) for when I get the google form ready
Again thank you everyone!! :love: :love: :D :D

Shiraru on September 26, 2022.

Comment ID #91133


agentchimendez on September 26, 2022.

Comment ID #91134

okay just finished tagging if i had missed you please add yourself! or let me know on discord and ill be happy to add you thank you all again for joining!~ :D :D

Shiraru on September 26, 2022.

Comment ID #91135

HAHAHAHAHA these are incredible!! God it’s so cool to look through these and be able to know the very distinct styles!! I love this so much!!! So many good additions and good memes (that freaken spongebob james kgrdhfgklfhdgkfh)

Taeshi on September 26, 2022.