Search TipsTags with spaces are represented with underscores, so instead of searching for BCB Art Meme, search for BCB_Art_Meme.You can search for images containing multiple tags, just use spaces to separate them. Sue Daisy will find pictures containing Sue and Daisy together.You can subtract tags from your search. Lucy -Mike finds pictures of Lucy without Mike in them.You can search for metadata like user (uploader), size (pixel dimensions), image ID, aspect ratio or file size. Examples of metadata searches: user=SuitCase, size=1024x768, id=1233, ratio<2:1 or filesize>=3MB.You can find images people have added as their favorites, like favorited_by=Taeshi.Finally, you can search by date. Try posted=2010-12-25 to see images posted on Christmas Day 2010.
OMG this is an amazing one!! I love your expressions and your linework so much.. it’s so bold. I’m blown away at the knowledge of a freaken book of mine behind a glass case LMAO did they think it was that special??? Wowza ;__; Thank you so much for supporting the comic and being a fan!! You have definitely made an impression for sure! I still think about that BCB RPG a lot…. like holy cow the biggest honour
also your pauloxdaisy is so cute kahfksdhdgkdfhgkfdg
Comment ID #92951
nowo .
Comment ID #92952
a very sweet and heartfelt meme, you made me laugh! i am glad you like the comic so much...
SuitCase .
Comment ID #92958
OMG this is an amazing one!! I love your expressions and your linework so much.. it’s so bold. I’m blown away at the knowledge of a freaken book of mine behind a glass case LMAO did they think it was that special??? Wowza ;__; Thank you so much for supporting the comic and being a fan!! You have definitely made an impression for sure! I still think about that BCB RPG a lot…. like holy cow the biggest honour
also your pauloxdaisy is so cute kahfksdhdgkdfhgkfdg
Taeshi .
Comment ID #92963
ScratchKat .