*David continues to drip.*
Lucy: David! Oh, you look sick as a dog!
David: Yeah, this day really has just gone to the dogs..
Lucy: Aww, I’m sorry.. it’s a dog eat dog world out there..
*Mike stares at Lucy in the background, blushing.*
*Paulo enters, also soaking wet.*
Paulo: That may be so, but I’m still one cool cat..
*Paulo makes a finger guns gesture.*
Paulo: Oh babe, you look like the cat’s meow ♥
*Lucy looks unimpressed.*
Lucy: Tom cat.
Mike: …
*Mike blushes to himself.*
Mike: She really is the cat’s pajamas.
*Lucy has a sudden moment of realization.*
*Lucy smacks Mike and Paulo.*
Lucy: Quit the catty remarks!
Yashy: You don’t gotta have kittens, Mom.
Lily: There’s no need for fur to fly, sourpuss!
Blur: She’s like a cat on a hot tin roof.
Lily: A real cat on hot bricks.
David: But her bark is worse than her bite!
*David scoots up to Lucy. Lucy, annoyed, blushes.*
David: One day I’ll test her myself. Every dog has his day ♥
Lucy: You’re barking up the wrong tree!
*Lucy punches David.*
Mike: She’s a real bag of cats this afternoon!
Paulo: That’s what makes her the cat’s whiskers.
Paulo: Conquering her heart is like herding cats, though.
Mike: Oh, let sleeping cats lie!
*David pops up in the background.*
David: Or sleeping dogs?
*Paulo pouts.*
Paulo: Pff. Pussycat.
*Mike looks annoyed.*
*Mike punches Paulo.*
Yashy: Catfight!
Lily: They lead a dog and a cat life..
*Chirpy looks at the reader.*
Chirpy: This situation is bird-brained.

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Reader comments
Comment ID #4268
I really hope the next one isn’t more of these jokes hahaha
KSib April 14, 2010, 6:08 AM EDT.
Comment ID #5883
0_o… this is just insane, I didn’t know that many bad puns could be but into such a small space without exploding…
OK, yes it’s funny, but still, I got a migrane from the bad pun overload, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME BCB?
random fan April 19, 2010, 2:49 PM EDT.
Comment ID #202769
Paulo’s hair looked so…..
back then
P-chan December 25, 2011, 1:22 PM EST.