Intermission: Catty Remarks, original chapter posted 6/20/06

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Catty Remarks — Page 2



*David continues to drip.*
Lucy: David! Oh, you look sick as a dog!

David: Yeah, this day really has just gone to the dogs..

Lucy: Aww, I’m sorry.. it’s a dog eat dog world out there..
*Mike stares at Lucy in the background, blushing.*

*Paulo enters, also soaking wet.*
Paulo: That may be so, but I’m still one cool cat..

*Paulo makes a finger guns gesture.*
Paulo: Oh babe, you look like the cat’s meow ♥
*Lucy looks unimpressed.*
Lucy: Tom cat.

*Mike blushes to himself.*
Mike: She really is the cat’s pajamas.

*Lucy has a sudden moment of realization.*

*Lucy smacks Mike and Paulo.*
Lucy: Quit the catty remarks!

Yashy: You don’t gotta have kittens, Mom.
Lily: There’s no need for fur to fly, sourpuss!

Blur: She’s like a cat on a hot tin roof.
Lily: A real cat on hot bricks.

David: But her bark is worse than her bite!

*David scoots up to Lucy. Lucy, annoyed, blushes.*
David: One day I’ll test her myself. Every dog has his day ♥

Lucy: You’re barking up the wrong tree!
*Lucy punches David.*

Mike: She’s a real bag of cats this afternoon!
Paulo: That’s what makes her the cat’s whiskers.

Paulo: Conquering her heart is like herding cats, though.
Mike: Oh, let sleeping cats lie!
*David pops up in the background.*
David: Or sleeping dogs?

*Paulo pouts.*
Paulo: Pff. Pussycat.
*Mike looks annoyed.*

*Mike punches Paulo.*
Yashy: Catfight!
Lily: They lead a dog and a cat life..

*Chirpy looks at the reader.*
Chirpy: This situation is bird-brained.

Author commentary

Veronica: When I first drew this chapter, I was told that Paulo looked.. different.. and yeah, he does.. since he’s wet. That’s why his whiskers are hanging down, due to the weight of the droplets. I feel this actually encouraged me to make Paulo’s whiskers stick out more.. if you look at really old comics, he doesn’t have those really sprout out at all.

(Not as relevant anymore given these pages are redrawn so Paulo’s whiskers are always included — Unless I make a mistake. But an interesting factoid of the past I want to keep in this commentary!)

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Reader comments

Comment ID #4268

I really hope the next one isn’t more of these jokes hahaha

KSib April 14, 2010, 6:08 AM EDT.

Comment ID #5883

0_o… this is just insane, I didn’t know that many bad puns could be but into such a small space without exploding…

OK, yes it’s funny, but still, I got a migrane from the bad pun overload, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME BCB?

random fan April 19, 2010, 2:49 PM EDT.

Comment ID #202769

Paulo’s hair looked so….. D: back then

P-chan December 25, 2011, 1:22 PM EST.

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