13. Puppy Love, original chapter posted 6/30/06

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Puppy Love — Page 1



*Mike attempts to open his locker.*
Mike: I heard they have bigger lockers in high school.
Lucy: You don’t say?

Mike: Yeah! I think you can fit a whole body in them!
Lucy: Bullies rejoice.

Mike: How anyone managed to find THAT out is beyond me!
*Lucy shrugs.*
Lucy: Eh!

*Mike continues to fiddle with the lock.*
Lucy: Anything is beyond you if you can’t open a stinkin’ locker.
Mike: I’m almost done, shut up.

Mike: There we go!
*Lucy blankly looks at her watch.*
Lucy: Just past 3 minutes. A new record.

*Mike opens his locker, several letters fall out.*
Mike: Guh!

*Mike blushes.*
Mike: Ughh. More love letters.
Lucy: Mmm. They smell nice.

Lucy: Open them!
*Mike scowls at Lucy.*
Mike: What?! No! Not in front of you!
Lucy: Why not?

*Mike imagines a faceless, long-haired girl writing.*
Mike: The intent of the letter is for the admired to read it alone..
Mike: This girl’s feelings are very fragile.

*Lucy shrugs dismissively.*
Lucy: Sounds like she’s a real wuss.
Mike: Lucy!!
Lucy: C’mon, she won’t talk to your stupid face? What a baby.

Mike: I feel bad for her. I’ll have to put these away to read lat--

*Mike notices one of the letters is missing.*

*Lucy begins reading a letter, as Mike angrily turns to her.*
Mike: LUCY!!
Lucy: Ahaha!! Oh man, get a load of this!

Lucy: ♥ My dear prince. I’ve always admired you from afar.. Resplendent with your gorgeous gaze.. ♥

Lucy: ♥ Those eyes.. the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.. that luminous, emerald green.. priceless jewels my heart aches to peer into, if only.. ♥

Mike: Lucy! Don’t read it out and laugh! What if she’s listening?!
*Lucy waves him off.*
Lucy: Oh, c’mon!
Lucy: What’s even the point of it, then?

*Stacy peeks from around the corner, upset.*
Lucy: She’s probably some kind of basement-dwelling freak. I bet she’s secretive for good reason!
Mike: You’re so mean!

*Stacy begins to tear up.*

Author commentary

Veronica: Ahh, more demonstration of Mike as a hot commodity. Lucy is particularly cruel here, since the letter seems sincere. Poor Stacy :'(

I don’t think Lucy would ever be caught dead writing a sappy letter like that.

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Reader comments

Comment ID #148599

Hehe, well one guy in my class can fit into the lockers in middle school. We randomly found it out when we were bored. And our science teacher came by and nearly laughed his ass off xD

Joakim February 19, 2011, 7:09 PM EST.

Comment ID #150295

I’m a LucyXMike fan, but after reading this again I have less respect for Lucy. She’s being a jerk :nope: .

*hugs sad kitty*

blackmage March 4, 2011, 8:29 AM EST.

Comment ID #177530

panel one lolz XD

also last panel made my heart melt
poor kitty

yoman August 17, 2011, 11:32 PM EDT.

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