49. Wonderland, original chapter posted 11/2/09

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Wonderland — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hello, everyone! It was this chapter that began the three-day-a-week update schedule we follow to this day!

Every chapter before this one was uploaded in full whenever I finished it, so people used to wait days, weeks, and as the pages got more complex, months for the latest update. The gap was so long a lot of people thought I ended the comic before I updated with “Wonderland”!

I guess the advantage of that original update schedule was that once I updated, there’d be a ton of pages to read. By Summer Vacation the comic was getting more and more complicated and I was beginning to plan it out for the long-term.

So, uh, see you Wednesday! (Way back then.)

Oliver: In fact, from this point onwards, some of the page commentary is going to be written in a more contemporaneous tone. It was also around here that commentary was written at the time the chapters were posted, and not written in bulk to fill out a huge archive. But don’t worry — Vero and I have looked it over and added and tweaked it in this new age of the first Omnibus!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #3

Lucy is alice?? I thought that was gonna be white rabbit, like male-cosplay crossing, XD
Nah, just kidding.
Glad to see your kittens scratching the web again!

For your first experience in full colouring in digital is very pretty good! Not any anatomy messing fooling legs like me!

So three uploads by week hein? I will make sure to check them out!

Good graphic web-designing, mister Souppy ;)

Ana (Knux the Killer) November 2, 2009, 1:29 PM EST.

Comment ID #14

Oh dear… Lucy has landed…. IN CANDY LAND. Clearly… yes.

Joshyartist November 3, 2009, 12:27 AM EST.

Comment ID #2754

I only started reading yesterday and im already in love with this comic and now it will be over :,?

Loyal Reader April 6, 2010, 4:38 PM EDT.

Comment ID #3258

WHAT?!!?!?!?I just started reading also!You can’t end such a great webcomic!You can never end a web comic,if the readers love it!

Neoswords April 10, 2010, 11:22 AM EDT.

Comment ID #20692

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is what usually goes on in Lucy’s head with Mike.

Cuddle Bear May 12, 2010, 10:18 AM EDT.

Comment ID #128787

I saw your comment, Tae, then checked the date this comic was submitted on.

Yeah, goood try, but you ain’t getting me that easily.

SushiJaguar November 18, 2010, 2:46 AM EST.

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