[Caption: Monday]
*Lucy sits at her desk, baby doll in hand. Yashy stands in front of her.*
Yashy: So you switched partners in the end?
*Lucy waves her other hand at Yashy.*
Lucy: It’s not like the teacher’ll know! I still filled out the log as if I was with Paulo..
Yashy: Heh, I hope he took the divorce well..
*Paulo and David sit at their desks. Paulo looks dejected.*
Paulo: I can’t explain it, David..
David: Explain what?
Paulo: My baby.. he looked at me like he UNDERSTOOD me…
[An image of Paulo an Daisy cradling Alegria appears behind him, along with a ringing bell, sparkles and falling leaves.]
Paulo: We were inseparable, Alegria and I. He helped me find another part of myself.
*David smirks and points to a baby carriage.*
David: Is that why you bought that baby carriage?
*Paulo tenses up.*
Paulo: Don’t you freaken JUDGE ME!!
*Paulo notices Sex-ed teacher pick up Alegria from the carriage.*
Sex-ed teacher: I’ll be taking that.
*Paulo looks stressed as Sex-ed teacher taps the back of Alegria’s head.*
Paulo: W-Wait!!
*Sex-ed teacher looks down.*
*Sex-ed teacher smiles.*
*Paulo looks moved.*
Sex-ed teacher: Wow..
Sex-ed teacher: This is the best result of the class.

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Comment ID #192930
Aww anger teacher is soft and smiling for once! Yayyy emotions!
Michael S. November 23, 2011, 7:47 AM EST.
Comment ID #208452
Paulo must REALLY love that doll if he bought a carriage.
Jemek February 8, 2012, 8:24 PM EST.
Comment ID #274616
Funny how Daisy went with Paulo as Allegria’s father but Allegria’s face expression totally represents the DaisyxPaulo shipping
Sheichii February 7, 2014, 12:09 PM EST.