5. The Burden of Parenthood, original chapter posted 7/15/11

Page 6 of 7

The Burden of Parenthood — Page 6



[Caption: Monday]

*Lucy sits at her desk, baby doll in hand. Yashy stands in front of her.*
Yashy: So you switched partners in the end?
*Lucy waves her other hand at Yashy.*
Lucy: It’s not like the teacher’ll know! I still filled out the log as if I was with Paulo..

Yashy: Heh, I hope he took the divorce well..

*Paulo and David sit at their desks. Paulo looks dejected.*

Paulo: I can’t explain it, David..
David: Explain what?

Paulo: My baby.. he looked at me like he UNDERSTOOD me…
[An image of Paulo an Daisy cradling Alegria appears behind him, along with a ringing bell, sparkles and falling leaves.]
Paulo: We were inseparable, Alegria and I. He helped me find another part of myself.

*David smirks and points to a baby carriage.*
David: Is that why you bought that baby carriage?
*Paulo tenses up.*
Paulo: Don’t you freaken JUDGE ME!!

*Paulo notices Sex-ed teacher pick up Alegria from the carriage.*
Sex-ed teacher: I’ll be taking that.

*Paulo looks stressed as Sex-ed teacher taps the back of Alegria’s head.*
Paulo: W-Wait!!

*Sex-ed teacher looks down.*

*Sex-ed teacher smiles.*

*Paulo looks moved.*
Sex-ed teacher: Wow..
Sex-ed teacher: This is the best result of the class.

Author commentary

Veronica: I remember being really heartbroken when my teacher took my robot baby away, too. I kind of really hoped she would let me keep it! A COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE SCENARIO, OF COURSE, but I dunno, you kinda hope stupid impossible things as an idealistic 16 year old!

Maybe she’ll see my face looking very sad and know this baby should be left with me permanently, why wouldn’t she think differently???

Anyway, I feel you Paulo.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #192930

Aww anger teacher is soft and smiling for once! Yayyy emotions!

Michael S. November 23, 2011, 7:47 AM EST.

Comment ID #208452

Paulo must REALLY love that doll if he bought a carriage.

Jemek February 8, 2012, 8:24 PM EST.

Comment ID #274616

Funny how Daisy went with Paulo as Allegria’s father but Allegria’s face expression totally represents the DaisyxPaulo shipping

Sheichii February 7, 2014, 12:09 PM EST.

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