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please give us that sweet sweet lucy / daisy interaction we all deserve... also featuring a lucy daisy kitten who i've affectionately named popcorn.
(ps. i'm loving the chapter so far! sandy is so pretty..)
I got reminded of this drawing twice during the stream and kept shrieking every time skdghkfghdfg
Your Daisy is just so perfect that I’m so inspired, the curls on her hips are just MEANT TO BE they’re like a little skirt aaaaa ;____; I love the way you did Lucy’s hair curls, she looks so cool and tough!!
Comment ID #73350
please give us that sweet sweet lucy / daisy interaction we all deserve... also featuring a lucy daisy kitten who i've affectionately named popcorn.
(ps. i'm loving the chapter so far! sandy is so pretty..)
(pps. sorry for the large size @_@)
kit .
Comment ID #73351
Aica .
Comment ID #73352
Oh my gosh the cuteness
Waldo .
Comment ID #73354
OMG! popcorn cattt
Sen .
Comment ID #73355
I usually don't like these kinda ships,

Literally the cutest thing I've ever seen! Great work!
Autzen_ .
Comment ID #73356
This page is very nice.
Rateus .
Comment ID #73361
thank you everyone !!! ^0^ i appreciate it !!
kit .
Comment ID #73390
I got reminded of this drawing twice during the stream and kept shrieking every time skdghkfghdfg
Your Daisy is just so perfect that I’m so inspired, the curls on her hips are just MEANT TO BE they’re like a little skirt aaaaa ;____; I love the way you did Lucy’s hair curls, she looks so cool and tough!!
Taeshi .
Comment ID #73391
also hilariously enough I kept reading the first dialogue bubble as “It really is gay!!” i’m so dumb lmao
Taeshi .
Comment ID #73405
qt cats.... oh god ur rly making me love this ship!! Q___Q ur style is so lovely wahh
lullaby .
Comment ID #73463
kit .